Robiul Islam

Front-End Developer

I create pixel-perfect, interesting, and easily navigable, and
accessible web application.

My name is Robiul Islam , I am a computer science student at Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)with specializes in Web development. I loves creating user-friendly websites and applications using HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React , Next Js, Node Js, MongoDB. I’ve always been someone who has both a creative and a logical side. When I discovered web design in college, I realized it would be the perfect fit. I could use my creative side to design and my logical side to code. As a bonus, being both designer and developer allows me to make sure no detail is lost in translation.

I enjoys building projects that combine good design with functional code to create smooth user experiences.

Besides my technical skills, I likes to help others in the tech community by sharing what he knows and supporting his peers. My aims to keep growing in the field of web development and explore new possibilities in the tech world. I am ready to take on new challenges and make an impact in the tech industry.